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October 2023

Posted by Andalusian-Dog - October 8th, 2023

Around the beginning of each month, I would like to sit down and write a few words, maybe provoke some conversation, or just chat about everything possible and impossible. So...

Greetings in a new month (goes by fast, huh?) with new artwork and some talk, and I'll start from the ground up a bit... we're all human after all. And maybe it will be possible to initiate a stimulating discussion or other conversation.

I have had a lot of very demanding months, in the tact of deteriorated mental health (depressive states, anxiety, and the like), after which I resented basically any activity when I basically had only one wish left - to dissolve into the ether. I separated myself from my friends, acquaintances, activities that I liked, and so on.

But I am very lucky that I received a lot of motivation and support from a person close to me, who showed me that nothing is in vain, as it seems to me in life, and so I started a new path. With a new, refreshing taste to create again and not stop. Use the proverbial momentum and perhaps turn it into a mental perpetual motion machine...

Someone ritualistically cuts their hair. I burned all my drawings in January. I´ve burrowed into my "inner self" and pondered the "immortality of cockroaches" (yes, many cockroaches, as I'm used to). I don't think it was useless, but time will tell.

What definitely doesn't change is the fact that I'm just a lone wolf, as they say. And it's surprising to me how I struggled with it, just admitting this fact to myself. Probably just for convenience. You could say I'm a social freak. Instead, I tried to push where it didn't make sense, and still the ties remained somewhat shallow and meaningless. Actually, I don't even know what I'm looking for. Perhaps some kind of specific balance would suit my nature. And people who are similar, or at least have a reclusive and strongly eccentric nature, will not be so annoying that I have nowhere to turn to (and I thank them very much).

At the moment, this is probably the only way I try to "reach out" to other people. I'm slowly but surely trying to channel more and more of my energy into creation, and after a long time, which seemed like an eternity, I have the impression that I'm touching myself. And not through plexiglass. I don't know if you understand, but maybe you do.

Well, I'll skip any more babbling about insect immortality and get down to what's in store for me (and you, if you've started following this canine alter-ego).

1) I present a new work in acrylic - from the third branch of my work, which is devoted to erotic themes. This " little prick" has a format of approximately A4 and is again an acrylic painting on canvas. The idea came about randomly - basically during a conversation with a person close to me... (I guess don't ask... )

2) What will appear here during the following month:

a) I am preparing another smaller painting with a dream theme.

b) I will complete a combination sculpture/painting of Xenomorph (FanArt), which will be for sale (if you want to give me a shot and contribute to more material)

c) A few pencil drawings appear - some character concepts as exercises

d) I promised a new custom sculpture (hands for rings and Tree of Life), so there will be some "sneak peek" of these variations - mostly design sketches - during the month.

I want to thank the followers so far for their support, sharing, and the like.

So let's get down to business...


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